what level are you on?

Thursday 27 September 2012

look what i made

Look what i made!!!!!! Its a cher lloyd oath video but i couldnt get the music up but i will keep trying so enjoy!

Looks i made

I have recently started my very own msp styling buisness LOL and already have 6 customers!!!!!!! here is a look i made >>>>
if you like this look then plz mail me and i will give u the outfit plan. Also if u REALLY like thos look then plz mail me and i can be ur stylist for FREE!

Monday 24 September 2012

LOL look at me in boys clothes

LOL which one do you think i look better in?


omg! so guess what, i was looking at msp names randomly and found this
(click on the pic to make it larger)

MSP SUCKS! seriosuly!!!!!!!!!!! if u h8 itso much then dont go on it!

star out

who is this!

ok I  am a little freaked out because i have NO IDEA who this person is! scaryyy.... and no one has ever sent me a message saying it was my sis im sorry and this account has never ever said anything to me so it remainds a mystery!

its an arty!

hiya! so this is a girl (who i shall not name..) that commented on my arty saying;
i mean like its an arty! Its just for the fun of it!!!!!! ANNNNNND shes not even my friend so i have no clue how she saw my arty

star out


Yay! I am sooo happy because today i got my very first special greeting! Its aweosme! Anyway, I am nearly on level 6 so... autos plz!  the pic above ^^^ is my fame bar!

thx star out!

Thursday 30 August 2012

my friends pics

this is snowface on the left and me on the rightin my room

this is me and princess2003 in the level 5 mall!


Yay! the new theme is out and this week it is..... PETS WORLD!
here is a pic.     
awwww cute or what! You should see the animations now they are cute. The clothes again are not bad but the hair are bad! Even the splashmania hairs are better than this week but it will improve i hope!

starjude out x

Wednesday 29 August 2012


Hiya! so this is a shout out to my AMAZING bezzie... ann chick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 we met when her and her real friend larna had a bar (on msp of course!) and i got a job there. We got to know each other and soon became bezzies for life and we always will be. :D      

i found this and i thought it was funny but true!
Enjoy! xx

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

Sunday 26 August 2012

Graffiti Creator

this is kittykitty2001 she is an amzing friend/sister 


nice random people!!!!!!

i have no idea who theese people are but they are really nice and they are good at posing for the camera LOL! if u want ur picture taken then tell me!!!!!!!!

Saturday 25 August 2012

pic on the right

the massive picture on the right is me and my two awseoe friends and my sister (in real)
kittykitty2001 on the left is my sister and i am in the middle and my two friends on the left strawberrycream and mobear

LEVEL 5!!!!!

YAY! so yesterday i reached level 5 and i was sooooo excited! Anyway since i have reached level 5 i can go to the level 5+ mall chatroom if u avet seen it yet then heres a pic...
kwl right!!!!!
also plzzz plzzz follow this bog thx xx

Thursday 23 August 2012


There is an awesome new theme for this week called SPLASHMANIA! it looks so kwl and so are the animations heres a small pic of it:

To be honest i am not a big fan of the outfits but apart from that i love it!
bye starjude

Get your own Poll!

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Glitter Text Generator

From now on i am gonna make a weekly MSP NEWS!!! this weeks news is all about this weeks theme.... PIXEL POWER! I am alsogonna add a feature called ROOM OF THE WEEK! so lets start of this weeks awseome theme PIXEL POWER. I <3 it and the clothes are sooooo cool. Its also gonna be really hard to pick the winner for the artbook comp because 1 of my BFF's 'saideseven' made an AMAZING artbook that should totally win and thats the end of PIXEL POWER! Now for this weeks room I have choosen.... *$TARDUST! seriously check out her room its AMAZING!

here is a little pic of her room incase u havent seen it!
bye from starjude!

starjude :D

Hiya I am starjude plz add me on MSP and check out this blog when ever you can!
>>>> thats me and my boonie