what level are you on?

Thursday 27 September 2012

look what i made

Look what i made!!!!!! Its a cher lloyd oath video but i couldnt get the music up but i will keep trying so enjoy!

Looks i made

I have recently started my very own msp styling buisness LOL and already have 6 customers!!!!!!! here is a look i made >>>>
if you like this look then plz mail me and i will give u the outfit plan. Also if u REALLY like thos look then plz mail me and i can be ur stylist for FREE!

Monday 24 September 2012

LOL look at me in boys clothes

LOL which one do you think i look better in?


omg! so guess what, i was looking at msp names randomly and found this
(click on the pic to make it larger)

MSP SUCKS! seriosuly!!!!!!!!!!! if u h8 itso much then dont go on it!

star out

who is this!

ok I  am a little freaked out because i have NO IDEA who this person is! scaryyy.... and no one has ever sent me a message saying it was my sis im sorry and this account has never ever said anything to me so it remainds a mystery!

its an arty!

hiya! so this is a girl (who i shall not name..) that commented on my arty saying;
i mean like its an arty! Its just for the fun of it!!!!!! ANNNNNND shes not even my friend so i have no clue how she saw my arty

star out